Friday, June 05, 2009

Good to Great

I recently interviewed two screen writers for an assignment that I was covering on their first feature film that had been screened in the Seattle Film Festival. Well, something stuck with me. I remember one of the writers’s mentioned that we (writers) can sometimes find it difficult to accept constructive criticism and advice about our work. We need to learn how to emotionally detach ourselves from our material. Unfortunately, some of us (writers) are extremely stubborn and that type of stubbornness can cause us to miss opportunities and even loose money in the process. Her writing partner totally agreed as he confessed to witnessing some of his friends’ loose large sums of money from a project due to obstinacy.

I guess the moral to this drawn out story is a Marketing Executive that I work for sent me an email saying “Joi, you’re a good writer, but I’m going to make you even better. Let’s talk the next time you come in.” The email was responding to a short post that I’d written for the company’s fashion, style and entertainment blog. Apparently, she read the piece, but I’m still puzzled if she had actually decided let it go public for the readers to enjoy. Honestly, I took that comment as a “no” she wasn't going to post it, that I had potential but just wasn't quit there yet. I couldn't respond as I was running out of the office to work a Happy Hour event where I was….yes, you guessed it, the bartender. I never like to assume anything. As my 6th grade teacher said it best, “when you assume, you make an ASS out of U and ME”, and I’ll never forget that tid bit of wise knowledge that she taught me.

I’ll be the first to admit, I’m not a fan of anyone telling me to change my work. However, I’m open to suggestions whether I like it or not. I know that I’m not the best editor of my own material. Therefore, I can always use an extra pair of eyes to correct what I can’t see as an error. That’s the nature of this business. That’s how you grow as a human and as an artist. It pays off in the future. Trust me; pride will get you no where. I've learned that lesson the hard way. Mostly with men, but it can be applied to any part of life.

I will be heart-broken if my piece is not published. But I’m pleased that it’s been confirmed (by person with a vast amount of experience in this business) that I have what it takes to evolve into a solid writer. I’m up for a challenge!

Hey, I may not be the best writer, but I’m great in other areas (wink, wink). Get your mind out of the gutter; I was referring to my cleaning skills (smile). Yeah, you know what I mean.

‘Til Next Time,

Miss Joi

1 comment:

  1. One of the hardest things to do is to take constructive criticism, also to recognize when criticism is constructive. Criticism unfolds before us with many labels. Sometimes you have to filter it and decide which is constructive and which isn't. However you had positive feedback and someone imperative to offer it and imply that you have great potential besides already being a "good writer." Take it and run, lol. And gee I wonder what those other areas are, hmmmm. Oh right, your cleaning skills, lol.
